Preprint GA 1/2007

Recursion without recursion operator: the Foursov–Burgers system revisited

By Artur Sergyeyev

We show that the Burgers-type system studied by Foursov
wt & = wxx + 8 w wx + (2-4 α)z zx,
zt & = (1-2 α)zxx - 4 α z wx + (4-8 α)w zx - (4+8 α)w2 z + (-2+4 α)z3, (*)
for which no recursion operator was known so far, is C-integrable and can be reduced to a triangular form via a suitable differential substitution. Moreover, we show that (*) admits infinitely many local generalized symmetries that are constructed using a nonlocal two-term recursion relation rather than a recursion operator.