$napis="Doc. RNDr. Tomáš Kopf, Ph.D.";
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| Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Global Analysis.
| Mathematical Institute
Silesian University in Opava
Na Rybnicku 1
746 01 Opava, Czech Republic
| +420 553 684 675
| +420 553 684 680
| Personal WWW pages
- Undergraduate study at the Charles University,
Prague, Department
of Mathematical Physics (1985-1990).
- Diploma Thesis: "Thermodynamics of Black Holes" (in Czech, Prague 1990).
- Graduate study at the University
of Alberta, Edmonton, Department
of Physics (1992-1996).
- Ph.D. Thesis: "Spacetime and Free Quantum Fields" (Edmonton, 1996).
- Postdoctoral Fellow at the University
of Alberta, Edmonton, Department
of Physics (1996-1999).
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at
the Johannes Gutenberg
University, Mainz, Institute
of Physics (1999-2001).
- Mathematical Institute of the
University in Opava (since 1999).
Geometrical methods in physics, mathematical physics.
List of publications
- Tomas Kopf and Mario Paschke: Generally covariant quantum mechanics on
noncommutative configuration spaces, J. Math. Phys. 48, 112101 (2007) (15
pages), ArXiv: math-ph/0708.0388.
- Tomas Kopf: The semiclassical Einstein equations, in O. Semerak, J.
Podolsky and M. Zofka: Gravitation:
Following the Prague Inspiration , A Volume in Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Jiří Bičák (2002) World
Scientific, Singapore.
- Jana Kopfova and Tomas Kopf: Differential equations, hysteresis and time
delay, Z. angew. Math. Phys. 53 676-691 (2002).
- Tomas Kopf and Mario Paschke: A Spectral Quadruple for de Sitter Space, J.
Math. Phys. 43 818-846 (2002),
ArXiv: math-ph/0012012.
- Tomas Kopf and Mario Paschke: Spectral Quadruples, Mod.Phys.Lett. A16:
291-298 (2001),
ArXiv: math-ph/0105006.
- Tomas Kopf: Spectral geometry of spacetime, Int.J.Mod.Phys. B14:
2359-2366 (2000),
ArXiv: hep-th/0005260
- Tomas Kopf, Ademir E. Santana and Faqir C. Khanna, Quantum Symmetries and
Thermal Field Dynamics, Czech. J. Phys., 48:1401-1405,1998
- Tomas Kopf and David A. Craig, Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Fermionic
Systems, Proceedings of the 1997 Lake Louise Winter Institute 561-568 (1998),
World Scientific, Singapore.
- Tomas Kopf, Spectral Geometry and Causality, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 13
2693-2708 (1998),
- Tomas Kopf, Ademir E. Santana and Faqir C. Khanna, Thermal Field Dynamics
and Bialgebras}, J. Math. Phys. 38 4971-4979 (1997),
- Ademir E. Santana, Tomas Kopf and Faqir C. Khanna, Hopf Algebras, Lie symmetries
and Thermal Field Theories, Proceedings of the 1996 Lake Louise Winter
Institute 510 - 519 (1997), World Scientific, Singapore.
- Tomas Kopf: Geometric Information in a Field Hamiltonian, Proceedings of
the 1995 Lake Louise Winter Institute 400-406, (1996), World Scientific,
Tomas Kopf, Book Review: Geometric Quantization by N. M. J. Woodhouse,
General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol. 25 (1993) p. 437-438.
See also the
at Qspires.
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