$napis="Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Smítal, DrSc.";
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| Professor, Head of the Mathematical Institute
| Mathematical Institute
Silesian University in Opava
Na Rybnicku 1
746 01 Opava, Czech Republic
| +420 553 684 660
| +420 553 684 680
- 1966 - RNDr. in Mathematical Analysis, Comenius University, Bratislava
- 1970 - CSc. (Ph.D.) in Mathematical Analysis, Comenius University, Bratislava
- 1980 - Associate Professor in Mathematics, Comenius University, Bratislava
- 1985 - DrSc. (Doctor of Sciences) in Mathematical Analysis, Comenius University, Bratislava
- 1989 - Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Comenius University, Bratislava
- 1995 - Fellow of the Czech Learned Society
Discrete dynamical systems. Real analysis. Functional equations.
List of publications
- On sequences of Darboux functions, PhD thesis, (1970). (Thesis is
the collection of papers [10], [11] a [13].)
- On additive and convex functions, habilitation thesis, (1973).
(Thesis is the collection of papers [8], [15], [17] a [18].)
- On some problems in the theory of real functions, DrSc. thesis
(1983). (Thesis is the collection of papers [13], [15], [16], [17], [20],
[27] , [28], [30], [31] a [33].)
- On the structure of the space Lp, Acta Fac. RNUC 10 (1966), 43 -
48. (Czech) (MR 34#3292, RI 6B (1967) 586, Zblt. 171.334)
- (with T. Salat) Bemerkung zur Approximation der stetige Funktionen durch Polynom, Acta Fac. RNUC 16 (1967), 43 - 47.
(MR 38#4864, R× 7B (1969) 92, Zblt 172.78)
- (with T. Neubrunn and T. Salat) On certain properties charcterizing locally separable metric spaces, Casopis pest. matem. 92 (1967), 157 - 161. (MR 36#5891, RZ 10A (1967) 369, Zblt 171.437)
- (with T. Neubrunn and T. Salat) On the structure of the space M(0,1), Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 13, 377 - 386, (1968).
(MR 38#2592, RZ 12B (1968) 65, Zblt 174.439)
- On the functional equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y), Rev. Roum. Math. Pures
Appl. 13 (1968), 555 - 561. (MR38#2475, RZ 4B (1969) 7, Zblt 165.500)
- (with P. Kostyrko and T.Salat) Remarks on the theory of real
functions, Acta Fac. RNUC 20 (1969), 81 - 89. (MR 42#7852, RZ 3B (1971) 55, Zblt 2O8.324)
- On a problem concerning uniform limits of Darboux functions,
Colloquium Math 23 (1971), 115 - 116. (MR 46#306, RZ 2B (1972) 73, Zblt 219.151)
- On approximation of Baire functons by Darboux functions, Czech.
Math. J. 21 (96) (1971), 418 - 423. (MR 45#470, RZ 1B (1972) 85, Zblt 219.150)
- Some remarks on ratio sets of sets of natural numbers, Acta Fac.
RNUC 25 (1971), 93 - 99. (MR51#10279, RZ 6A (1972) 123, Zblt 228.10036)
- Some characterizations of Darboux continuity Matemat. ˙asop. 22 (1972), 59 - 70. (MR46#1974, RZ 8B (1972) 40, Zblt 228.26007)
- A note on the class M2, Acta Fac. RNUC 27 (1972), 97 - 99.
(MR47#8778, RZ 6B (1973) 53, Zblt 248.26004)
- On boundedness and discontinuity of additive functions, Fundamenta
Math. 76 (1972), 245 - 253. (MR47#9109, RZ 5B (1973) 10, Zblt 246.26008)
- Characteristic types of convergence for certain classes of Darboux
Baire l functions, Mat. casop. 23 (1973), 115 - 116. (MR48#6331, RZ 11B (1973) 47, Zblt 271.26004)
- A necessary and sufficient condition for continuity of additive
functions, Czechoslovak Math. J. 26 (101), 171 - 173, (1976).
(MR 53#6138, RZ 2B (1977) 1, Zblt. 332.26005)
- On convex functions bounded below, Aequationes Math. 14 (1976), 345
- 350.(MR 55#3189, RZ 2B (1977) 49, Zblt 324.26006)
- On the sum of continuous and Darboux functions, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 60 (1976), 183 - 184. (MR 54#5403, RZ 10B (1977) 71, Zblt 339.26006)
- (with M. Kuczma) On measures connected with the Cauchy equation,
Aequationes Math. 14 (1976), 421 - 428.
(MR 53#13502, RZ 11B (1976) 962, Zblt 326.39007)
- (with Salat) Remarks on two generalizations of the notion of
continuity, Acta Fac. RNUC 36 (1980), 115 - 119.
(MR 83a:26010, RZ 9B (1981) 22, Zblt 531.26001)
- (with P. Kostyrko, T. Neubrunn and T. Salat) Remarks on the theory
of real functions, Acta Fac. RNUC 36 (1980), 7 - 23.
(MR 83a:26008, RZ 9B (1981) 22)
- (with P. Kostyrko, T. Neubrunn and T. Salat) On symmetric and
symmetrically continuous functions, Real Analysis Exchange 6 (1980), 68 -
76. ISSN 0147-1937
(MR 82c: 26005, RZ 1B (1982) 60, Zblt 459.26001)
- (with E. Stanova) On almost ontinuous functions, Acta Math. UC 37
(1980), 147 - 156.
(MR84b: 54026, RZ 5A (1982) 496, Zblt 554.26003)
- (with L. Snoha) Generalization of a theorem of S. Picard, Acte
Math. UC 37 (1980), 173 - 181.
(MR 84b: 26012, RZ 5B (1982) 68, Zblt 526.26005)
- Iterates of piecewise monotonic continuous functions, Math. Slovaca
32 (1982), 143 - 146. ISSN 0025-5173
(MR 83k: 58068, RZ 9B (1982) 45, Zblt 498.26003)
- (with K. Smitalova) Structural stability of non-chaotic difference equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 90 (1982), 1 - 11. ISSN 0022-247X
(MR 84d: 58046, RZ 5B (1983) 230, Zblt 505.39004)
- A chaotic function with some extremal properties, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 87 (1983), 54 - 56. ISSN 0002-9939
(MR 84h: 26008, RZ 7B (1983) 35, Zblt 555.26003)
- (with E. Kubackova) On weakly closed functions, Acta Math. UC 42 -
43 (1983), 115 - 120.
(MR85f: 54026, RZ 11B (1985) 39, Zblt 597.54014)
- A chaotic function with a scrambled set of positive Lebesgue
measure, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 92 (1984), 50 - 54. ISSN 0002-9939
(MR 86b: 26009, RZ 10B (1985) 43, Zblt 592.26006)
- Erratum to the paper: Smital - Smitalova, Structural stability of
non-chaotic difference equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 101 (1984), 324.
ISSN 0022-247X
(MR 85f: 58065, Zblt 596.39004)
- (with K. Neubrunnova) Stability of typical continuous functions
with respect to some properties of their iterates, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
90 (1984), 321 - 324. ISSN 0002-9939 (MR 85g: 54040, RZ 9B (1985) 34,
Zblt 529.54038)
- On a problem of Acz?l and Erdos concerning Hamel bases, Aequationes
Math. 28 (1985), 135 - 137. ISSN 0001-9054
(MR 86e:04004 RZ 7A (1985) 131, Zblt 558.12011)
- Chaotic functions with zero topological entropy, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc. 297 (1986), 269 - 282. ISSN 0002-9947
(MR 87m: 58107, RZ 3B (1987) 1119, Zblt 639.54029)
- (with K. Jankova), A characterization of chaos, Bull. Austral.
Math. Soc. 34 (1986), 283 - 292. ISSN 0004-9727
(MR 87k: 58178, RZ 6B (1987) 1036, Zblt 577.54041)
- (with M. Misiurewicz) Smooth chaotic mappings with zero topological
entropy, Ergodic Theory & Dynam. Systems 8 (1988), 421 - 424. ISSN
(MR 90a:58118 RZ 4B (1989) 1271, Zblt 689.58028)
- On Darboux solutions of the Euler's equation, Aequationes Math. 37
(1989), 279 - 231. ISSN 0001-9054
(MR 90j: 39007, Zblt 674.39006)
- (with M. Kuchta) Two point scrambled set implies chaos, World Sci.
Publ. Singapore 1989 (Proceedings of the European Conference of Iteration
Theory, Spain 1987), 427 - 430. ISBN: 981-02-0041-2
(MR 91j: 58112, RZ 12B (1991) 372)
- (with D. Preiss) A characterization of non-chaotic continuous maps
of the interval stable under small perturbations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
313 (1989), 687 - 696. ISSN 0002-9947
(MR 90f: 58100, Zblt 698.58033)
- (with K. Jankova) A theorem of Sharkovskii characterizing continuous maps of the interval with zero topological entropy, Math. Slovaca 39
(1989), 261 - 265. ISSN 0025-5173
(MR 90m: 58165, RZ 12B (1989) 1153, Zblt 686.26002)
- (with V. V. Fedorenko and A. N. Sharkovskii) Charakterizacia
nekotorych klassov otobraženij intervala s nulevoj topologičeskoj
entropiej, Preprint 89.58, Inst. Mat. AN USSR, Kiev 1989, 18 stran.
(MR 90m: 58141, RZ 1B (1990) 865)
- (with V. V. Fedorenko and A. N. Sharkovskii) Characterizations of
weakly chaotic maps of the interval, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110 (1990),
141-148 (new version of paper [41]). ISSN 0002-9939
(MR91a: 58148, RZ 8B (1991) 974, Zblt 728.26008)
- (with N. Franzova) Positive sequence topological entropy
characterizes chaotic maps, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 112 (1991), 1083 - 1086.
ISSN 0002-9939
(MR 91j: 58107, Zblt 735.26005)
- (with V. V. Fedorenko), Maps of the interval Ljapunov stable on the
set of nonwandering points, Acta Math. Univ. Comen. 60.1 (1991), 11 - 14.
ISSN 0862-9544 (MR 92g: 58063, RZ11B (1991) 283, Zblt 736.58027)
- Solution of a problem by Prof. Targonski concerning semiconjugated
maps,Proc. European Conference on Iteration Theory , Batschuns 1989, World
Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1991, 382 - 383. ISBN: 981-02-0611-9
(MR 93e:58001)
- (with A. M. Bruckner) The structure of omega-limit sets for
continuous maps of the interval, Mathematica Bohemica 117 (1992), 42 - 47.
ISSN 0862-7959
(MR 93a: 26002, Zblt. 762.26003)
- (with A. M. Bruckner) A characterization of omega-limit sets of maps of
the interval with zero topological entropy, Ergodic Theory & Dynam. Systems
13 (1993), 7 - 19. ISSN 0143-3857 (MR: 94k:26006, Zblt. 788.58021)
- (with E. M. Coven) Entropy minimality, Acta Math. Univ. Comen. 62
(1993), 117 - 121. ISSN 0862-9544
(MR 94g: 58120, Zblt 950.39516)
- (with F. Balibrea) A chaotic continuous map generates all
probability distributions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 180 (1993), 587 - 598. ISSN
(MR: 94j:58099, Zblt. 794.60009)
- (with B. Schweizer) Measures of chaos and a spectral decomposition
of dynamical systems on the interval, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 344 (1994),
737 - 854. ISSN 0002-9947
(MR: 94k:58091, Zblt 812.58062))
- (with G. L. Forti and L. Paganoni) Strange triangular maps of the
square, Bulletin Austral. Math. Soc. 51 (1995), 395 - 415. (Cf. also
Preprint 20/1993, 20 pp., Universita Degli Studi di Milano.) ISSN 0004-9727
(MR 96d:54036, Zblt 832.54033)
- (with P. Kahlig) On the solutions of a functional equation of
Dhombres, Results in Mathematics 27 (1995), 362 - 367. ISSN 0378-6218
(Zblt 860.39030, MR 96e:39010)
- (with K. Jankova) Generically there are no chaotic maps with random
perturbations, International J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 5 (1995), 1375 -
1378. ISSN 0218-1274.
(MR 96k:58196)
- (with F. Balibrea) A characterization of the set for continuous
maps of the interval with zero topological entropy (abstract of [54]),
International J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 5 (1995), 1433 - 1435. ISSN
(MR 97b:58048)
- (with A. Blokh, A. M. Bruckner, P. Humke), The space of omega-limit
sets of a continuous map of the interval. MSRI Preprint No. 063-94, 19 pp,
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA 1994. Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc.148 (1996), pp. 1357 - 1372.ISSN 0002-9947
(MR 96j:58089, Zbl 860.54036)
- (with F. Balibrea) A characterization of the set for continuous
maps of the interval with zero topological entropy. Real Analysis Exchange
21(2) (1995/96), pp. 622 - 628. ISSN 0147-1937
(MR 97g:58097, Zbl 879.26017)
- (with P. Kahlig) On a parametric functional equation of Dhombres type, Aequationes Mathematicae 56 (1998), 63-68. ISSN 0001-9054 (MR 99j:39019, Zbl 915.39011)
- (with Ll. Alseda and M. Chas) On the structure of the omega-limit sets for continuous maps of the interval, Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos 9 (1999), 1719 - 1729. ISSN 0218-1274 (MR 2000i:37047)
- (with G.-L. Forti and L. Paganoni) Dynamics of homeomorphisms on minimal sets generated by triangular mappings. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 59 (1999), 1 - 20. ISSN 0004-9727 (MR 99m:54029)
- (with D. Pokluda) An omega-limit set universal function on [0,1], Real Analysis Exchange 24 (1998/99), 109 - 110. ISSN 0147-1937
- (with A. Sklar) Distributional chaos on compact metric spaces via specification properties, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 241 (2000), 181 - 188. ISSN 0022-247X (MR 2000k:37021)
- (with D. Pokluda) A "universal" dynamical system generated by a continuous map of the interval, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128 (2000), 3047 - 3056. ISSN 0002-9939.
- (with V. Jimenez Lopez) Two counterexamples to a conjecture by Agronsky and Ceder, Acta Math. Hung. 88 (2000), 193-204. ISSN 0236-5294.
- P. Kahlig and J. Smital, On a generalized Dhombres functional equation,
Aequationes Mathematicae 62 (2001) 18 - 29. ISSN
- V. Jimenez Lopez (Univ. Murcia, Spain) and J. Smital, On omega-limit
sets for triangular mappings, Fundamenta Mathematicae 167 (2001), 1 - 15.
ISSN 0016-2736.
- B. Schweizer, A. Sklar and J. Smital, Distributional (and other) chaos
and its measurement, Real Analysis Exchange 26 (2000/01), 495 - 524. ISSN
- J. Smital and M. Stefankova, Strongly omega-chaotic mappings of the interval, Real Analysis Exchange 27(1) 2001/2002, 25th Summer Symposium Conference Report, 43 - 46. ISSN 0147-1937
- P. Kahlig (University of Vienna) and J. Smital, On a generalized Dhombres functional equation II. Math. Bohem. 127 (2002), 547-555. ISSN 0862-7959.
- J. Smital and M. Stefankova, Omega-chaos almost everywhere, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 9 (2003), 1323 - 1327.
- F. Balibrea, B. Schweizer, A. Sklar and J. Smital,
Generalized specification property and distributional chaos.
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos 13 (2003), 1683 - 1694.
- F. Balibrea, L. Reich and J. Smital,
Iteration Theory: Dynamical Systems and functional equations,
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos 13 (2003), 1627 - 1647.
- J. Smital, Triangulae maps with zero topological entropy, Summer Symposium 2003 (2004), 193 - 194. ISSN 0147-1937
- J. Smital and M. Stefankova,
Distributional chaos for triangular maps, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 21 (2004), 1125 - 1128.
- L. Reich, J. Smital and M. Stefankova,
The continuous solutions of a generalized Dhombres functional equation,
Math. Boh. 129 (2004), 399 - 410.
- F. Balibrea, J. Smital and M. Stefankova, The three versions of
distributional chaos, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 23 (2005), 1581 - 1583.
- L. Paganoni and J. Smital, Strange distributionally chaotic triangular
maps, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 26 (2005), 581 - 589.
- L. Reich, J. Smital and M. Stefankova, The converse problem for a generalized Dhombres functional equation, Math. Bohemica 130 (2005), 301 - 308.
- G.-L. Forti, L. Paganoni and J. Smital, Triangular maps with all periods and no infinite omega-limit set containing periodic points, Topology Appl. 153 (2005), 818 - 832.
- L. Paganoni and J. Smital, Strange distributionally chaotic maps II,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28 (2006), 1356 - 1365.
- F. Balibrea and J. Smítal, A triangular map with homoclinic orbit and no infinite omega-limit set containing periodic points, Topology Appl., 153 (2006), 2092 - 2103.
- L. Reich, J. Smital and M. Stefankova, Local analytic solutions of the
generalized Dhombres functional equation I, Sitzungsberichte Oesterreich.
Akad. Wiss. Abt. II, 214 (2006), 3 - 25.
- L. Reich, J. Smítal and M. Štefánková, The holomorphic solutions of the
generalized Dhombres functional equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007),
880 - 888. ISSN 0022-247X
- J. Smítal, Topological entropy and distributional chaos, Real Analysis Exchange, Summer Symposium 2006 (2007), 61 - 66.
- L. Paganoni and J. Smítal, Strange distributionally chaotic triangular maps III, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 37 (2008), 517 - 524.
- J. Smítal, Why it is important to understant dynamics of triangular maps?, J. Difference Equations Appl. 14 (2008), 597 - 606.
- J. Smítal and T. H. Steele, Stability of dynamical structure under
perturbation of the generating function, J. Difference Equations Appl. 15
(2009), 77 - 89.
- L. Reich, J. Smítal and M. Štefánková, Locally analytic solutions of the generalized Dhombres functional equation II, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 355 (2009), 821 - 829.
- F. Balibrea, J. Smítal, Strong distrinutional chaos and minimal sets, Topology Appl. 156 (2009), 1673 - 1678.
- L. Reich and J. Smítal, Functional equation of Dhombres type - a simple equation with many open problems, J. Difference Equations Appl. 15 (2009), 1179 - 1191.
- L. Obadalová and J. Smítal, Distributional chaos and irregular recurrence, Nonlin Anal A - Theor Meth Appl 72 (2010), 2190 - 2194. ISSN 0362-546X
- F. Hofbauer, P. Raith and J. Smítal, The space of omega-limit sets of piecewise continuous maps of the interval, J. Difference Equations Appl. 16 (2010), 275 - 290.
- L. Reich and J. Smítal, On generalized Dhombres equation with nonconstant polynomial solutions in the complex plane, Aequationes Math. 80 (2010), 201 - 208.
- F. Balibrea, J. Smítal and M. Štefánková, A triangular map of type 2 to infinity with positive topological entropy on a minimal set, Nonlin Anal A - Theor Meth Appl 74 (2011), 1690 - 1693.
- L. Reich, J. Smítal and M. Štefánková, Functional equation of Dhombres
type in the real case, Publ Math Debrecen 78 (2011), 659 - 673.
- F. Balibrea, J. Smítal and M. Štefánková, On open problems concerning
distributional chaos for triangular maps, Nonlin. Anal. A: Theory,
Methods Appl. 74 (2011), 7342 - 7346.
- Introduction to the theory of real functions, Matematicke obzory 3
(1973), 21-36. (Slovak)
- (with T. Salat) Real Numbers, SPN Bratislava (1977), 112 pp. (Slovak)
- Introduction to the Set Theory and Mathematical Logic I, PÚMB,
Bratislava 1978, 64 pp. (Slovak)
- Introduction to the Set Theory and Mathematical Logic II, PÚMB
Bratislava 1978, 51 pp. (Slovak)
- Introduction to Linear Algebra, Comenius University, Bratislava
1978, 116 pp. (Slovak)
- (with E. Gedeonova) Linear Algebra, Comenius University,
Bratislava, 1981, 115 pp. (Slovak)
- (with T. Katrinak, M. Gavalec and E. Gedeonova) Algebra and
Theoretical Arithmetic I, Bratislava, Alfa 1985, 351 pp. (Slovak)
MR 88i: 00001.
2nd Edition: Comenius University, Bratislava, 1995.
- (with T. Neubrunn) Topics in Analysis, Comenius University,
Bratislava 1986, 220 pp. (Slovak)
- (with T. Salat) Set Theory, Alfa, Bratislava 1986, 224 pp. (Slovak)
2nd Edition: Comenius University, Bratislava, 1995.
- (with T. Salat) Sequences and Series, SPN Praha 1986, 64 stran. (Czech)
- On functions and functional equations, A. HILGER, Bristol - Philadelphia 1988, viii + 155 pp., ISBN 0-85274-418-8 (MR 90c: 39001, Zblt 644.39002).
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